Lisa Whatley is Helping You ... Wake Up to Soul 

When you choose to fully embrace knowing your soul on the deepest levels, there are sacred healing gifts that you are lead to discover and experience along the way …

Start Every Day Perfect SKU: 217196

MORNING GUIDED MEDITATION ... Listen to this healing guided meditation every morning to set your energy and intention to experience a phenomenal day ahead! You are the creator of your reality. Begin creating every day the moment you open your eyes in the morning when you are still in a dreamlike state after having a wonderful sleep. You can choose how your day will be … it starts with this easy morning meditation! 


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Listen to this healing guided meditation every morning to set your energy and intention to experience a phenomenal day ahead! You are the creator of your reality. Begin creating every day the moment you open your eyes in the morning when you are still in a dreamlike state after having a wonderful sleep. You can choose how your day will be … it starts with this easy morning meditation! 

Doing this practice on a regular basis will not only shift the way you feel and the way you see life, it will shift how you experience your life because it will teach you that you have unlimited potential. You have untapped potential waiting for you to set the intention to receive it. You will come to understand that you create everything from within. You have two times that are super potent with creative power; first thing in the morning before you get out of bed and last thing in the evening right before you fall asleep. 

The energetic frequency infusions of light will assist you in relaxing your mind, clearing away chaotic thoughts while bringing clarity to what is causing you stress, helping you attain a clear headspace. Another infusion carries with it soothing energy that will in turn create a sense of peace and calm helping you to let go of your fears while easing the feeling of being overwhelmed. Another infusion helps to cleanse your energy of negativity, therefore, making space for calmness as you are relieved of stress, anger and tension.

And more benefits ... 

• Can help you to access the deeper levels of consciousness, promoting a fuller understanding of self

• Stimulates the third eye & crown chakra which can enhance psychic vision & abilities

• Can help in rapidly clearing patterns from the emotional body & aids in clearing all forms of relationships, shedding light on the karmic aspects

• Can assist you in overcoming feelings of hopelessness, lack of direction, confusion & cynicism while bringing in a joyful, optimistic energy to your emotional body

• Can help you move beyond past emotional experiences & embrace the future with curiosity & courage

• Can help you understand where your life is out of alignment with spiritual truth & can assist you back into integrity

• Helps activate the high heart center enabling you to align your personal will with Divine Will

• Can help dispel the confusion, panic & stress that are often related to mental cloudiness bringing clarity to a confused mind

• Can help you understand that emotion is not truth; it is only a reflection of our perceptions. By moving beyond the emotional level, you are able to gain a higher perspective & a clearer connection to Spirit

• and so much more!


I highly suggest you come back again and again to this meditation as you'll receive different benefits each and every time with every listen,  taking you further and further into your spiritual transformation and evolving yourself out of the three d matrix. 


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Peace and Love from My World to Yours,

Lisa Whatley 

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